
listaEtiquetasbyConvertClien Matched route
59 Tested routes before match

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /api/etiquetabyConvertidor
# Route name Path Log
1 login /api/autenticacion/login Path does not match
2 login_account /api/autenticacion/loginCuenta Path does not match
3 login_account_user /api/autenticacion/loginUsuario Path does not match
4 app_autorizacionusuario_logoutcuenta /api/autenticacion/logoutCuenta Path does not match
5 obtener_colores_disponibilidad /api/obtenerColores Path does not match
6 colorPersonalDesactivar /api/colorPersonalDesactivar Path does not match
7 coloresPersonalesDesactivar /api/coloresPersonalesDesactivar Path does not match
8 coloresPersonalesShare /api/coloresPersonalesShare Path does not match
9 coloresPersonalesNoShare /api/coloresPersonalesNoShare Path does not match
10 colorPersonalVisto /api/colorPersonalVisto Path does not match
11 numeroColoresShared /api/numeroColoresShared Path does not match
12 prueba_tes /api/paginarestringida Path does not match
13 obtieneColorTipo /api/admin/colores Path does not match
14 obtieneFormulaColores /api/admin/formulaColores Path does not match
15 obtieneColoresDetalles /api/admin/coloresDetalles Path does not match
16 obtieneColorPersonal /api/admin/coloresPersonales Path does not match
17 obtieneColorPersonalBesa /api/admin/coloresPersonalesBesa Path does not match
18 obtieneColorPersonalCliente /api/admin/coloresPersonalesCliente Path does not match
19 obtieneNumeroColoresPersonales /api/admin/numeroColoresPersonales Path does not match
20 colorCreateOrReplace /api/admin/colorUpdate Path does not match
21 obtener_pasta_disponibilidad /api/obtenerPastas Path does not match
22 obtener_pasta_disponibilidad_Spb /api/obtenerPastasSpb Path does not match
23 obtener_convertidor_disponibilidad /api/obtenerConvertidores Path does not match
24 obtener_componentes_por_codigo /api/obtenerComponentesPorCodigo Path does not match
25 obtener_componentes_por_codigo_spb /api/obtenerComponentesPorCodigoSpb Path does not match
26 obtener_componentes_por_codigo_sinPeronal /api/admin/obtenerComponentesPorCodigo Path does not match
27 getListadoComponenentesPersonales /api/componenentesPersonales Path does not match
28 updateListadoComponenentesPersonales /api/updateComponenentesPersonales Path does not match
29 getListadoConverdiroes /api/admin/convertidores Path does not match
30 getListadoPastas /api/admin/pastas Path does not match
31 CreateOrUpdatePasta /api/admin/pastasUpdates Path does not match
32 CreateOrUpdateConvertidor /api/admin/convertidorUpdate Path does not match
33 obtener_configuracion_inicial /api_inicio/load_inicial/obtenerConfiguracion Path does not match
34 obtener_info_descuentos /api/descuento Path does not match
35 obtener_configuracion /api/obtenerConfiguracion Path does not match
36 guardar_configuracion /api/guardarConfiguracion Path does not match
37 guardar_configuracionC /api/guardarConfiguracionC Path does not match
38 guardar_configuraciĆ³nP /api/guardarConfiguracionP Path does not match
39 obtener_configuracion_componente /api/obtenerConfiguracionComponente Path does not match
40 obtener_configuracion_pasta /api/ObtenerConfiguracionPasta Path does not match
41 obtener_configuracion_pasta_spb /api/ObtenerConfiguracionPastaSpb Path does not match
42 listadoEnvases /api/admin/envases Path does not match
43 CreateOrUpdateEnvase /api/admin/envaseUpdate Path does not match
44 default /administracion Path does not match
45 forbbiden /download Path does not match
46 raiz / Path does not match
47 version /extra/version Path does not match
48 app_default_bienvenida /extra/bienvenida Path does not match
49 app_espectro_gardarmedicionoficial /api/salvarMedicionOficial Path does not match
50 app_espectro_guardavalorespectral /api/salvarMedicion Path does not match
51 app_espectro_obtenermediciones /api/obtenerMediciones Path does not match
52 app_espectro_obtenermedicion /api/obtenerMedicion Path does not match
53 app_espectro_buscarformulas /api/buscarFormulas Path does not match
54 app_espectro_modificamedicion /api/modificaMedicion Path does not match
55 ajustarFormula /api/ajustarFormula Path does not match
56 app_espectro_desactivaallespectro /api/desactivaMedidas Path does not match
57 listaEtiquetasByUserss /api/admin/etiquetasUserbyFormula Path does not match
58 listaEtiquetasbyConvert /api/admin/etiquetabyConvertidor Path does not match
59 listaEtiquetasbyConvertClien /api/etiquetabyConvertidor Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.